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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Frequency of Service

What frequency of service will the various scenarios deliver to existing rail users?

Enhanced Rail: a train every 13 minutes, or every 10 minutes (the latter requires the closure of two stations and the creation of one new one)

Light Rail: a light rail unit (tram) every 10 minutes

Busway: a bus every 5 minutes (even every 3 minutes in some cases)

Source: the Council's Scenarios reports.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many of these buses will be full by the time they get on the busway? What is the effective frequency for the buses providing a train replacement service (ie not express)?

Also what about all the noise and fumes from the buses? Trains may not be super quiet, but then they don't run every couple of minutes.

Wed Jul 19, 02:24:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me that one every 20 minutes would be more than enough, if they were on time, and if the high-frequency times each morning/afternoon were expanded a little.

Wed Jul 19, 09:42:00 pm  
Blogger John Rusk said...

>What is the effective frequency for the buses providing a train replacement service (ie not express)

Good question. The 5 minute figure is the frequency of the train replacement services. Buses from suburbs (which indeed are expected to be nearly full by the time they reach the busway) are not included in that figure. This is why I say everyone wins with the busway - existing rail users get a much more frequent service.

>Also what about all the noise and fumes from the buses?

I live right on a bus route, so I can relate to that question. Two things: (a) the noise I notice is from breaking and acceleration of buses. I imagine noise would be significantly lower on a busway of near-constant gradient with no tight curves (as will be the case, on an ex-rail line) (b) secondly, the noise doesn't bother me. It would be interesting to hear what other people, who also live on bus routes, think... Does the noise bother you?

Thu Jul 20, 01:30:00 pm  

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